Capstone W1 D3: Beep Beep!

Day 2 was my birthday and pretty much all I did was add a reset button.

But Day 3 I’m trying to figure out sound! I want my timers to have sounds when the switch.

I found this great example with sounds built into the blog post: Beep Boop! Announcing “use-sound” A React Hook for Sound Effects.

I got a sound working when a timer ends. And I also set upper and lower limits for the timer. None of the timers can go above 60 or below 1.

I also did some other code clean up and spent a bunch of time updating and ranking my user stories by priority.

Published by TheNoraR

Lover of all things web and geeky. Social media? More! Web analytics? Uh huh! Games? Yes please. Any chance I have to relate those to non-profits makes me happy. I'm passionate about my local, online, and global community.

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