Facebook Home Review: 3 Good Things and 6 Reasons it Totally Sucks

Sorry iPhone users, this post is about another app available only to Android phone users: Facebook Home. On Friday Facebook launched a new app for select Android phones that Mark Zuckerberg called the “next version of Facebook.” I promptly downloaded and installed it, but regretted it almost instantly. That’s not to say there wasn’t anyContinue reading “Facebook Home Review: 3 Good Things and 6 Reasons it Totally Sucks”

Exploring the World Through Ingress

As an android phone user I’m often disappointed when some great app I hear about turns out only to be available for iOS phones, but recently I’ve discovered an amazing app that should make gamers on their iPhones jealous as all-get-out. It’s called Ingress. Ingress is an augmented reality massively multiplayer online video game playedContinue reading “Exploring the World Through Ingress”