Ada Capstone Day 2: Rabbit Holes & Dev Environment Frustrations

Today I spent hours finding different tutorials, adding them to my Evernote notebook, adding related Trello tasks, and spiraling down rabbit holes of related technologies.

[ A brief summary of hours of random spirals of rabbit hole research ] Do I need a CDN? Wait, what’s a CDN? Oh, I’m not going to have a lot of global traffic so I’m probably OK without one. What about AppSync? No? Seems like an alternate approach to API, different than my tech stack plans. A Certificate Manager? Seems like it might be a good idea…

Eventually, I finally started a tutorial. Well, a combination of tutorials…

I found a Medium article Building a serverless React app using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and an API Gateway, but I want to use Chalice, a python microframework instead of the API Gateway. So I found Building Serverless Applications using AWS Chalice on to create . And finally, I want to deploy my React on S3, so back to Medium for Deploy ReactJS App with S3 Static Hosting.

I started down the first tutorial and build created my first DynamoDB table. [ Self high-five! ] But, the next step was creating a Lambda function, and I knew I wanted to use Chalice with Lamda, so I switched to the second tutorial.

I made an S3 bucket! [ Another self high-five! ] Then it wanted me to install Chalice and Boto3. But that used pip. And assumed I had Python installed. Another tutorial I’d found had what looked like a solid list for Prerequisite: Setting up your environment. I started following it but decided to download the latest version of Python. But then python --version was still showing the old version. Some googling suggested that it was an alias issue, and python3 had installed but if I wanted python to use that version, I needed to replace python3 alias with python… Ok. Done. Version works! Then the next step was to check the pip version… Command not found. Hmm… Dr. Google suggested pip3 may have been installed with python3. Ok, it seems like I could use the same alias update… but this is getting me suspicious something isn’t going right… [ As you can tell by my overuse in ellipses in the preceding sentences. ]

Next: virtualenv setup! Again, command not found. Dr. Google and I hung out for about another 45 minutes, but by this point it was about 12 am and I was super frustrated and decided just to be done with it until the next day.

My big accomplishment: I setup some things on AWS: My first DynamoDB table and S3 bucket!
My big challenge: I really didn’t expect to get stuck at the setup part of these tutorials…

Plan for tomorrow: Try again at the dev environment setup and then tutorial work.

Published by TheNoraR

Lover of all things web and geeky. Social media? More! Web analytics? Uh huh! Games? Yes please. Any chance I have to relate those to non-profits makes me happy. I'm passionate about my local, online, and global community.

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